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Guides (3)

7 Features to Consider When Choosing a Newsletter Platform

Choosing the right email platform for your newsletter is a challenging task. With countless options and extensive lists of features,you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. 

Since most platforms provide similar capabilities, how do you decide which fits your needs best? Well, I’ve compiled a list of 7 email newsletter features to prioritize when selecting the right platform for your goals.

Here's what you should look for:

From List to Community: Effective Techniques to Boost Your Newsletter Subscriptions [+ Free Guide]

In the bustling world of online communication, newsletters serve as a unique platform where brands can personally connect with their readers, establishing a community anchored in mutual interests. When aiming to boost subscriptions, it's crucial to remember that we're not just amassing numbers; we're fostering this engaging and interconnected ecosystem.

The transition from a mere subscriber list to a dynamic community can seem daunting. But with the strategic insights and expertise offered by Letterhead, it transforms into an engaging and achievable task

Streamlining the Newsletter Creation Process: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Oh, newsletters. The ultimate way to keep your audience informed, engaged, and eager for more. But let's be real – creating a top-notch newsletter can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. But don't worry, my fellow content creators! We've got the secret sauce to help you streamline the newsletter creation process, so you can work smarter, not harder. Let's dive in.

First Impressions Matter: How to Create a Killer Welcome Email

In the vast and sometimes overwhelming world of digital marketing, email campaigns reign supreme as a tried and true method to connect with customers and increase brand awareness. However, within email campaigns, crafting a top-notch welcome email is crucial for any successful email marketing strategy.

Let's be real, folks, your welcome email sets the tone for your entire relationship with your subscribers. It's your brand's chance to make a great first impression and establish trust. And who doesn't want to make a good first impression? Especially in the world of email, where you're constantly competing for attention in a crowded inbox.

4-Point Newsletter Strategy Guide for Publishers

We know firsthand how hard it can be to manage, run, grow, and monetize a newsletter operation. That's why we decided to help other publishers avoid the pitfalls we ran into and get the most out of their newsletters. At Letterhead, we help other publishers master email newsletters, and our tools are trusted by the publishers of over 2,000+ newsletters like Patch, Salon, Tiny News Collective, Techstars, McClatchy, and Snopes.

But let's face it – the environment for publishers is challenging and getting tougher. Ad spending has declined for the last six months and is projected to decrease even further in 2023. And 74% of digital ad spend goes to the big three platform companies. In this climate, first-party data has never been more critical. Publishers need to own their audience directly and control the contact information. Building trust-based, long-term engagement is how publishers get secure revenue and lifetime value. Email is the best channel for this, with a 40:1 ROI as a marketing and engagement channel.

Unfortunately, most publishers are leaving value on the table with their email lists. 90% of publishers say the email channel is vital to the future of their business, but only 22% say their increasing investments are paying off. Publishers have some of the lowest-rated emails according to consumers. It's time to flip the script and get more out of your newsletters. We've put together this comprehensive guide that digs into the key strategies publishers should use to take their operations to the next stage. For now, here's a glimpse into the four strategies to help you do just that:

Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Newsletter Ad Sales

Ready to monetize your email newsletters? Download our complimentary guide for publishers and learn 4 critical strategies to grow your program and generate results.

Monetizing your email newsletters can feel overwhelming with all the acronyms, metrics, technologies, and trends. But at its core, newsletter monetization is simple: you have the attention of valuable people, and advertisers want a piece of it.