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Fintech Coffee Brews Up Success with Letterhead's Powerful Capabilities

Fintech Coffee, a leading source of daily news and insights in the Fintech world, was determined to elevate their subscriber experience.

The Challenge

Fintech Coffee’s previous platform, reliant on an RSS feed system, lacked the flexibility needed for content customization. They aspired to turbocharge the newsletter with AI-powered summaries, custom formatting, and a modern, visually engaging experience, but their existing platform couldn't handle their advanced HTML needs.

Chris Allen, owner of  Fintech Coffee, explained, "No one else could help us except you guys with that HTML feature...We couldn't get our 10 articles anymore the way we wanted. We could go back to the old way, but that was boring."

The Solution

Switching to Letterhead opened a new chapter for FinTech Coffee, introducing them to a realm of possibilities with the flexible HTML capabilities. By seamlessly integrating custom HTML code into Letterhead’s block, Fintech Coffee could finally craft the rich, detailed "3-5 minute read" experience they’d envisioned for their audience.

Chris expressed his relief and excitement at finding Letterhead, "Letterhead was the one that offered the opportunity...We wanted to basically copy the HTML, put it in, plug it into y'all's block, and then let it come out, publish the way we wanted."

The Impact

Letterhead's HTML capabilities transformed Fintech Coffee's newsletter strategy, yielding remarkable outcomes:

  • Open Rates Stabilized: After the switch, open rates returned to a healthy 25-30%. 
  • Streamlined Workflow: "The HTML blog saved me a ton of time," Chris shared, highlighting the efficiency gains.
  • Content Abundance: They regained the ability to publish 7-10 curated articles per newsletter.
  • Future-Proof Flexibility: A scalable and replicable system that allowed them to launch premium newsletters quickly.

Chris Allen highlighted the strategic advantage provided by Letterhead, "That was actually one of the big selling points...building out an automated pipeline that lets us create premium, AI-powered newsletters on any vertical imaginable."

The Outcome

The partnership between Fintech Coffee and Letterhead is a shining example of innovation and adaptability in the digital newsletter arena. Chris spills the beans on their exciting plans:

“I see the future partnership – you guys keep growing and I'll eventually be adding other newsletters to the platform. We've built the stack so flexibly that it's simple to spin up a second, third, fourth newsletter on any topic and have Letterhead publish it seamlessly.”

With Fintech Coffee’s content expertise and Letterhead’s technological support, this partnership is brewing a bright future for newsletters.