Back to blog Makes Newsletter Readers Love - with Letterhead

In Kelowna, Canada, is known for its quality journalism and dedication to enlightening and engaging its local community.

The Challenge faced a challenge in enhancing their newsletter to deepen the connection with their readers. Therefore, sought a unified solution to streamline their newsletter management, align more closely with their editorial voice, and forge a stronger bond with their audience.

The existing newsletter system, which Marshall Jones - Managing Editor - described as "rigid and impersonal—'didn’t allow us to do any customization... It was simply a spit out of our most recent stories," was not up to par in the evolving digital landscape. This situation called for a transformative approach to how connected with its audience.

Adding to their challenges, a dramatic shift in digital policy, particularly the exclusion of news organizations from Facebook, presented Infotel with a significant obstacle. This policy change deprived them of a crucial channel for audience engagement, leaving a noticeable gap in their distribution strategy.

The Solution found its solution in Letterhead, a comprehensive platform offering a suite of tools tailored to their specific needs. With Letterhead, discovered the joy of customization, enabling them to craft each newsletter as a unique narrative that echoed their distinct editorial voice. Marshall highlighted this platform's positive impact, "This just sort of hit everything that we needed."

Key Features that Revolutionized Infotel’s Approach

  • Customizable Design: Ensures each newsletter reflects's unique editorial voice
  • Drag-and-Drop Simplicity: Streamlines the newsletter creation process, making it both efficient and user-friendly
  • Unified Dashboard: Provides a comprehensive overview of newsletter operations,simplifying management and analysis

This new strategy allowed to transcend the conventional newsletter format, creating deeper, more meaningful connections with their audience. The intuitive design and customization capabilities of Letterhead enabled to tell stories with authenticity and flair. "There's something about laying out news in a logical format for readers that just makes so much more sense," observed Marshall, highlighting how Letterhead’s platform enhanced the overall reader experience.

The Outcome

Today,'s newsletters serve as a vital link to their community, delivering engaging stories that not only inform but also captivate their audience. Thriving amidst change, has set a new course for the future, emphasizing the importance of direct, meaningful communication with their readers.

Reflecting on the journey and future prospects, Marshall Jones remarked, "I think continuing with Letterhead and our newsletter is probably going to be more important than even just to direct web traffic to our website. I think it's going to be crucial to getting people to our website."’s experience with Letterhead exemplifies the impact of innovative solutions in overcoming digital challenges and underscores the importance of personalized, engaging content in today’s media landscape.