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Bruce Pinchbeck

Bruce is a creative explorer, blending art, entrepreneurship, and technology to create projects that inspire and involve people in surprising ways. A co-founder of Letterhead and Head of Marketing.

Why Brand Publishing Should Be a Priority for Your Business

In today's world, creating a strong brand identity is crucial for businesses to stand out. While traditional marketing tactics like advertising and PR can be effective, there's a growing trend towards brand publishing as a way to connect with customers and build a loyal following. In this post, we'll explore the importance of brand publishing, the benefits it offers, and why more and more brands are turning to this strategy.

Content Marketing Tactics: How Email Newsletters Drive Brand Awareness and Engagement

In content marketing, email newsletters have emerged as a pivotal force. These communication conduits, bridging the gap between brand and audience, amplify brand awareness, engagement, and sales. Yet, creating unique content alone cannot guarantee a brand's ascent to success in today's ever-evolving digital terrain. The astute brand must use the proper tools to transform its email newsletter endeavors into quantifiable business value.



Unlock the Power of Content Curation: 4 Dynamic Strategies for Your Email Newsletters

Before we jump into the topic of using curated content for newsletters, let's first acknowledge the importance of this marketing strategy. In today's fast-paced digital world, newsletters have become crucial to any successful marketing campaign. They offer businesses direct communication with their audience, allowing them to build relationships, increase brand awareness, and drive revenue.

Streamlining the Newsletter Creation Process: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Oh, newsletters. The ultimate way to keep your audience informed, engaged, and eager for more. But let's be real – creating a top-notch newsletter can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. But don't worry, my fellow content creators! We've got the secret sauce to help you streamline the newsletter creation process, so you can work smarter, not harder. Let's dive in.

First Impressions Matter: How to Create a Killer Welcome Email

In the vast and sometimes overwhelming world of digital marketing, email campaigns reign supreme as a tried and true method to connect with customers and increase brand awareness. However, within email campaigns, crafting a top-notch welcome email is crucial for any successful email marketing strategy.

Let's be real, folks, your welcome email sets the tone for your entire relationship with your subscribers. It's your brand's chance to make a great first impression and establish trust. And who doesn't want to make a good first impression? Especially in the world of email, where you're constantly competing for attention in a crowded inbox.

Unlocking the Secrets of Successful Newsletter Ad Sales

Ready to monetize your email newsletters? Download our complimentary guide for publishers and learn 4 critical strategies to grow your program and generate results.

Monetizing your email newsletters can feel overwhelming with all the acronyms, metrics, technologies, and trends. But at its core, newsletter monetization is simple: you have the attention of valuable people, and advertisers want a piece of it.